Hi, I'm Pietro

Software Engineer & Game Developer

Ember Editor

Ember Editor


As part of my final year project I decided to develop and explore the capabilities and usages of Perlin noise in the realm of procedural generation for real-time applications. Motivated by an ever growing interest since the start of my university course, but never even mentioned in any of my modules I decided to take the initiative and learn it and implement it on my own. Another path I pursued throughout the project was to establish and use a development life-cycle at a professional level:


The editor was developed using the latest version of my 2D engine library written in c++ and OpenGL. The CI/CD system was build upon the AppVeyor platform integrated with GitHub. The Testing framework used was Boost.Tests which was pulled and built from vcpkg package manager and ran as executable. The Installer packaging was implemented using NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System which was easily integrated with the AppVeyor. Finally, the deployment and release process were also part of the AppVeyor pipeline but working with the GitHub Releases API.


An interactive editor that demonstrates how Perlin noise algorithm and variations of it can be used in different scenarios allowing the users to evaluate when and for what reasons they might be using Perlin Noise in the future.